The Grandma truckster
At the Double Cut Ball
Yesterday was a busy day. I had some things to attend to at Baby Preview. I hired some help to put away the porch furniture, move the woodpile closer to the house and help Marty cover the boat. I finally potted my kale for the front porch. I still have geraniums and snapdragons and the pointsettias are holding their own. I feel better with things battened down for the winter.
After a nap, Marty and I went to Double Cut Ball in Philadelphia. My singer friends, Elizabeth and Anna, organized it last year and it was so successful that they did it again this year. It was fun seeing all the beautiful 20 and 30 somethings in their fancy ball gowns and tuxedos, but it was a late night. Pictures to follow.
This afternoon, I worked on Thanksgiving recipes and a few other little projects. And, (drum roll) I finally took a picture of my car.