Today I hit the wall. I expected to wake up and feel terrific. I woke up and felt like ick. I went back to bed until 11:00, but still felt tired. I was worried that perhaps I had over done it, but then I remembered that I was supposed to feel crappy after the shot. I took a few advils, whcih gave me a lot of relief. I spent the rest to the day watching Christmas movies with Caitlin and sitting in front to the fire. Im hoping to feel tip tip tomorrow and go sing some Shape Notes.
Saturday, December 27, 2008
One down 5 to go.
Friday I felt terrific and thought, "I can do this is if I feel this good after chemotherapy." I went to the market, and the girls made biscuits for our brunch with the Ashes and the Wolfes. I got tired, but we had a delighful time. Last night was games with the Fochts, which of course is always lots of fun. I konked out on the couch, but the rest carried on!