I woke up feeling good this morning. At least until the oncologist called. She only ever calls with bad news so the minute I hear her voice, life goes south. She had good news and curious news this morning. The good news is that my brain scan was clear of cancer (yea!). The Curious news is that the oncologist from Fox Chase called her and told her and that pathologists at Fox Chase aren't convinced that the cancer cells are small cell. My treatment has been based on this report which I got from the Reading Hospital. It is important because the treatments are really different. They want me to go have a lung biopsy now. (not yea)
They didn't get back to me today about when. Marty wants me to go to Fox Chase to have it done. He's lost confidence in the Reading Hospital. I guess we will see tomorrow who can schedule it first.
Talking to the oncologist requires throwing up and a nap (I may have to fire her), but after that the rest of the day went great. I did a little shopping, had an appointment with my counselor and bought pork and sauerkraut at the Farmer's Market. I even made dinner for Marty.
I'm pretty excited about getting a hair cut tomorrow.
Tuesday, December 30, 2008