On Saturday I took my chair, myself, and my new Square Foot Gardening book to the river and spent a pleasant hour basking in the warmth of a perfect April Day. There was such a steady little breeze that I regretted that we hadn't taken the sailboat out for the first time. On the other hand, I don't know if I would have have had the strength yet to climb around the boat.
Sunday, feeling the need to sit quietly with my thoughts, I attended Exeter Quaker Meeting. Although it is hard for me to sit still for an hour, it is the only place in my world and I can depend on for quiet, no distractions, and no wandering off looking for something more stimulating to do.
Monday the rain, the wind and the thunder descended and I spent the day on the couch reading and feeling pukey. I distracted myself by taking the Baby Preview Co calls. I haven't done anything with Baby Preview for months, so I enjoyed myself.
I am officially on partial disability now. I can work when I up to it and use the disability as I have run out of sick time. I am so grateful that my agency offers this . It is a relief not to have to push myself to go to work and I can take some time to recover from the effects of the chemotherapy. It is also comforting to know that I can keep up with my clients.
Well that's all the news from the 16 Acre Wood where all the women are bald, all the men are smarter than average and all the pets follow the humans around like sheep.