Everything went very well for our Passover Sedar. Penny and Judi came in the afternoon to help me cook and the Lehmans came early for the last minute details. We had 25 people including the babies. Everyone seemed to have a good time: there was a lot of noise! I made mango salsa, chicken soup with dilled matzo balls, brisket, chicken with lemon and garlic, and jeweled rice. Marty made gefilte fish and our guests brought roasted asparagus and carrots, copper penny carrot salad and lots of yummy desserts. The above picture is of the cousins table. Judi kept everyone alert with her literal representation of the plagues.
I went to the doctor on Monday for the routine checkup before chemotherapy. This is the last one. He is going to cut the strongest chemo drug back 25% because it has affected my hearing and maybe I won't be so sick. Maybe it will be easier since I know it is the last one. I am dreading it and wanting to get it over with at the same time.