View from hotel window

Virgin on top of the Panecella
(hill that is shaped like a bun)

Ecuadorian lady, her niece and granddaughter from whom we bought scarves
Today was the day of the wedding for which we traveled to Ecuador. It was quite an affair. It was in an historic church from the 16th century. The reception was the fanciest I have ever attended. There was course after course of food and Dom Perign0n flowed for the entire reception.

Ecuadorian lady, her niece and granddaughter from whom we bought scarves

Today was the day of the wedding for which we traveled to Ecuador. It was quite an affair. It was in an historic church from the 16th century. The reception was the fanciest I have ever attended. There was course after course of food and Dom Perign0n flowed for the entire reception.
The wedding was at 11:00AM and we didn't leave the reception until 7:30 PM
Yesterday we toured around Quito and tomorrow we head off to the jungle. I have been a little tired. I think the altitude makes me more tired than usual.