I have more pictures to upload but my little computer isn't op-operating.We are back in Quito after 3 days in the jungle. We met up with 4 of Allie's co-workers in Quito On the way there, we stopped at a hot springs for a soak. The ride down the other side of the Andes took about 4 hours and it every mile was beautiful. When we arrived the river, we had a 20 minutes motorized canoe ride to the Hotel Suiza. It is a beautiful tropical resort.
On Monday, we went to a animal rescue zoo. They accept exotic animals that have been a abandoned or abused. Some can be released in the wild but many of them have to protected because they are too familiar with humans.
then we went on a jungle walk, which was hot and sticky, but really interesting. It was heaven to jump in the river in our intertubes and float down the river.... to be continued