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I called bright and early to reschedule my CT scan and was told they had fixed the machine on Friday, hadn't anyone told me that I still had my appointment? (no). Fortunately, it wasn't for a another hour so I had time to get there.
I made chicken soup with matzo balls yesterday to try to cure Marty and I of the last dregs of our cold/flu or whatever it is. We are both feeling better, although the cough is hanging on. I did a little leaf sweeping and was short of breath. I think that is why I am so tired, everything makes short of breath. My friend (and pastor) Mary, brought dinner tonight. That was a real treat.
I texted my oncologist, Dr. Forman, to call me with the CT results, as I don't have an appointment with him for two weeks. He texted me back (which I thought was pretty cool) to call him after 5 today. When I called, he hadn't gotten the Radiology report yet, so he is going to call me tomorrow with the results.
I was planning on going back to work tomorrow, but I don't know if I'm quite up to visits. I have things to do a my desk and I can call clients and see how they are doing and schedule them.