My camera batteries all died on the last day. So my final pictures are of cows. I wanted to inclued the little white cattle egrets that hang out with the cows.
We really didn't have any plans for Friday so we headed off to a place in the country that has campesinos living in villages to show tipical life. Sadly, the Yaris couldn't make it. We headed toward Dominical to go to the beach, but the road was so rough and dusty that we got a flat tire. We went to the nearest town after we changed it with the help of very friendly Tico truck driver and found a delightful nearly deserted beach to spend the afternoon. We had dinner with a young couple from Chicago who only live a few blocks from Caitlin.
Saturday we spent the whole day traveling. 3 and 1/2 hours to San Jose, then transfer in Atlanta for Philadelphia, arrived in Philly at11:45 and home by 2:00 AM Sunday morning we woke up to snow.