Marty and I have had a busy weekend. I had some help from m buddy Pedro with gardening Saturday morning. I finally got to the knee high weeds cut in the front yard. We decided to leave the lamb's ear for a little character. My plan, since the front yard can't really be planted, is selected weeding. I pull up the dandelions before they go to seed and all the tall stuff. I leave the creeping vines and anything with a flower.
Saturday night we went to an elegant wedding in Philadelphia. Marty's cousin's son was the groom. We got all dressed up and tripped the light fantastic. We ended up limping out to the car at the end of the night. We had a great time. Check tomorrow for a link for pics.
Sunday I went to a picnic, a sort of reunion of Reading Birth and Women's Center ladies with whom worked ten years ago. It was great to get caught up and tell stories.
Sunday night was even busier. My friend and writing teacher, Donna, came to dinner and we went shape note singing together at Exeter Meeting House.
This morning I spent a couple hours in the garden and flower beds. I weeded the snow peas. I have about had it with them. I planted them on St Patty's day and they still haven't blossomed. They are hogging the space that I want to use for tomatoes. I am ready to pull them up. Fortunately, I have some volunteer cilantro and dill coming up. I'll take a picture of the peas this week.
Nora brought Kyle and Isaac over for a barbeque today. (Jason is taking a vacation in India) Kyle has been catching a lot of caterpillars and Isaac and been practicing laughing and cooing.