I got up Saturday morning in a burst of energy, but that soon petered out and I spent the afternoon reading and sleeping. I worked 30 hours last week which was too much. My afternoon nap did give me enough energy to go contra dancing Saturday night. I didn't dance every dance but I had energy to get through the ones I did. Sunday afternoon I went shape note singing in Lancaster with my friend Donna.
So I basically spent my weekend singing, dancing, reading and sleeping. That about covers all my favorite things except gardening. I did work a bit on the dandelions with my borrowed dandelion digger but the yard is so rocky that it is a bit of a challenge. I put out the hummingbird feeder and we saw our first hummingbirds. Every day there is something new blooming. This week brought the lilacs, dogwoods and jack in the pulpits. The lily of the valley are next.
I am going to try to take it a little easier at work this week. I still have a fair amount of queasiness. I don't know if my stomach is still healing or if it is psychological. I have a lot of thoughts that trigger nausea. It's not food. I have been cooking for Marty and eating everything. It is thinking about anything that is associated with the chemotherapy.
I am back on track doing yoga most mornings. If you would like to join me, you can download free podcasts of 20 minute yoga on itunes, under podcasts for health and fitness. 20 -25 minutes is just right for me. Any longer and I would think that I didn't have time to do them. Hopefully, I can get into a routine for swimming to counterbalance all this sleeping!