When we moved here, there was no grass or tall weeds: just rocks. I gave my electric mower away. Then 3 years ago, the former owners' pesticides must have leeched into the streams, ground water and the well, because all of a sudden I had weeds up to my neck. I had a edge trimmer but it wasn't up to the task. I tried selective weeding for a while, ie. leaving the prettier weeds and yanking the ugly ones. That resulted in a front yard reminiscent of the Clampetts' before they moved to Beverly Hills. All we were missing was the goat living in the junked car. So we got this little beauty 50% off at Home Depot clearance. It clear cuts everything in its 20 inch self-propeled path. It mostly dodges the rocks and roots.
We spent a pleasant afternoon at the Fiddle Fest on Sunday. The weather was perfect and they sold great Berks County homemade food.
Monday morning I got a call from my SIL, DeAnn, that they had taken my mom to the Greenville Hospital because she was short of breath. Her Blood pressure was high and she needed to have some fluid drained from her chest. She is still in the hospital as they need to fool around with her coumadin until the the blood levels are right. If she doesn't get out tomorrow, we promised her we would break her out.
I had my 3rd chemo today. It's weird but I feel better afterwards than before. I will rest one or two weeks before I start the 2nd cycle of 3 weeks in a row. I felt pretty punk S-M-T-W. I was too tired to work on Tuesday. I didn't even feel like blogging. So I am hoping for perky for a few days.
The big news is that Allie and I are going to Ecuador! 2 of her co-worker are getting married in Quito. She hadn't planned to go because of the expense,but she called me last week to tell me that the tickets had dropped. So off we go: 10/8-10/14. After the we attend the wedding, we are planning a 3 day trip into the jungle.