We just back from a half an hour detour from our restaurant thanks to the GPS and the navigator's inability to read it. (Took us 10 minutes to get there plus the time trying to get out of the parking lot.) Tomorrow the plan is to take a map or walk.
We arrived at 4:30 for the cocktail hour where they tell us what a great job we are doing and give us stuff. We got an NFP umbrella this year. I got a new pin, with 3 stones on it, one for every three years I that I have been in the program. The hotel is clean and new with this computer center where I am writing my blog, a pool and hot tub. Tomorrow we will have sessions all day.
It is always great to see the other nurses from all over the state. I am getting compliments on my bald head and Am feeling well.
Monday, September 14, 2009