I have been very blessed in life to have had two wonderful mother-in-laws: Kathyrn Keeler and Isabelle Katzen.
Marty called last night around 10:30 to tell me his mother had just passed away in the hospice area of the hospital.
I only knew Isabelle for the last 7 years. Although she was of a very advanced age, she lived alone with some house hold help, made her own decisions, paid her own bills, and her mind was as sharp as a porqupine quill. She loved her grandchildren dearly and they were devoted to her. As she lived in Florida, we weren't able to visit as often as we would have liked.
I last spoke to her when she called me from the Rehab on Sunday. She was hard of hearing and was having difficulty using the telephone. She sounded beside herself and told me how miserable she felt. I chatted a little, trying to give her a little comfort but I was distracted because I was in the middle of giving some bedside care to my own mother in the hospital. She said, "I have to go. I love you dear". "I love you too Isabelle". It is a comfort for those words to be our last conversation.