I have been having trouble uploading from my computer, so you will have to wait until I am back in PA to see more pictures.
When we were kayaking, we saw a bald eagle nest with an eaglet in it and the parent near by in a tree. We also so saw a harbor seal and a red throated loon.
Yesterday we spent half the day Cruising Glacier bay which is an amazing ecosysytem. I saw mountian goats (finally) on the way in. While we were "parked" at the end of the fiord to look at the glacier fields, we saw a grizzley come to the shore and eat a fish and nose around for another half an hour. I also saw orcas, sea otters, sea lions. I also got to see the glacier "calve" That's when a big hunk of it falls into the water with a crash. I was sitting on the verandah and just happened to be looking at the glacier when I saw a huge wall of ice break off break off and make a resounding kersplash. Well we are sailing. Will be home on Sunday morning.