One more radiation treatment. Hooray. The skin on my forehead and temples is taking a beating. My poor bald head is even balder than before. Total Uncle Festus.
The Tarseva (the pill I am going to be taking) came by Fed Ex today. I'm not scheduled with a nurse to go over the teaching until next Thursday, but I think I am going to start taking it next Monday.
I finally got my camping gear put away, my tie-dye washed, and went back to making visits on Tuesday (I did some administrative stuff Monday). It was a frustrating day. I was hauling my client with physical disabilities to WIC and the toddler's pediatric appointment. Thank goodness the baby can walk now and I don't have to lug her and her car seat. We got to the clinic, checked in and waited 20 minutes, when the nurse came out and said, "She doesn't need a physical until October." My client and I looked at each other both thinking, "Then why the heck did they make the appointment for June?" The client was all apololgetic even though it wasn't her fault. I was glad to book; usually they put us in an exam room for another hour before the doctor comes in, so I had a little more time in my schedule. I enjoy this client's company: my only real loss was the extra 2 quarters that I put in the meter.
The pictures are of the garden progress and flower beds. The flowers are doing great, but so are the weeds.