Monday, December 21, 2009
Nancy Jane McCullough Keeler Katzen 1955-2009
Saturday, December 12, 2009
Tough Time at the Cattle Ranch this week
My oncologist ordered a CT scan for Tuesday night night at 8:o0 PM. That went ok until we got home. I was trying to get up into the house from the garage when when my legs went out from under me and I went tumbling two steps down to the garage floor. My eye was bloody, my wrist, shoulder, elbow were bruised. So, we hopped in the car and went to the emergency room.
I got a CT scan of the brain, chest, and abdomen, 2 x-rays of the shoulder and ribs. Everything was clear (I was particulary happy that the brain was clear.)
After all that testing; they told me I was clear, they slapped ONE steristrip on!
One the way home, we discovered it had begun to snow. The P.T. Cruiser couldn't make it up the hill, so we hiked up, Marty pulling me up the hill by one arm.
I felt better the next day and went to my to my 5:00 PM nurse visit. The oncologist called and said : she is still driving!!! He also said we had a good sonagrapher, that she was right about the metastisis.
Sunday, December 6, 2009
Birds and Snow
We had a wonderful snow yesterday. It started around noon and didn't stop until 10:00 PM. It blanketed our mountain top with about 6 inches of snow. Marty put these feeders outside window. I set up a tripod for the camera and have been having a great time watching and photographing birds.
Fortunately, the driveway melted enough that I could get out and sing today in Lancaster. I've been short of breath, tired, and have had a dry mouth, so I wasn't sure how it would go. We were a small group, but I thought we sounded great.
Back to work tomorrow: looking forward to my visits.
Friday, December 4, 2009
Lori, my cousin and florist by trade, brought me this beautiful wreath.
My cousin, Lori, and her daughter, Megan came to visit and get a 3D ultrasound of Megan's baby. Fortunately, Evan cooperated very nicely and showed us his chubby little face. We will be excited to see how he looks on the outside the beginning of February.

Good news. My agency generously allowed me to apply for partial disability for 3 more months, which will maintain my full time status, and allow me to figure out my insurance. Working full-time is too hard for me and the insurance is only for full time workers. I can get a subsidy for Cobra from the government if I quit all together, but I feel better when I work. Bob Casey has introduced legislation in the Senate to subsidize part time workers who have been down-sized. Hopefully is works for illness too , or I guess the agency could downsize me. It is a big relief not to have to worry about this before Christmas.
So for those of you are confused about changes in the Health Care System:Think of me.
Work=Good Health Insurance
Get Sick, or lose job= lose health insurance.
Continue insurance on Cobra=no money, not working remember?
Also small businesses need relief.
Sick employees= raise premiums. My agency's premiums went up 37% this year based on usage.
Too bad they don't lower them if everyone stays healthy.
I am so disappointed that the Republicans won't get on board with novel ideas instead of just shooting every thing down. If everyone would work together, the Republicans could keep an eye on the money and look for ways to cut costs, and the Democrats could work on access for everyone. I thought that was how the government was supposed to work.
Wednesday, December 2, 2009
The Wedding
Bride and Groom
More pictures of Cory's Wedding click
I guess all my activities over Thanksgiving wore me out, because I have been dragging. I think I might be a little depressed because it has been a year since I was diagnosed. I got myself to work yesterday and that perked me up a little. I went to the outlets after work and finished most of Christmas shopping, so that was a relief too.
Tuesday, December 1, 2009
Thanksgiving, Wedding, The Messiah
Cider Brined and Glazed Turkey
stuffed with bread stuffing
Pennsylvania Dutch Potato Filling
Aunt DeAnn's Corn Casserole
Sweet Potato Casserole with Ginger
Brussels Sprouts with Garlic Butter and Slivered Almonds
24 Hour Salad
Marty's famous spring greens salad
Pumpkin Pie
On Sunday we arrived home in time for me to attend the "Do it yourself" Messiah, which marks the beginning of the Holiday season for me. I have attended for 6 years now. It was held at First Presbyterian in downtown Reading this year, which has lovely acoustics. They publish a date in the newspaper, everyone shows up with their score, there is a live local orchestra and local conductor and soloists. It all comes together sounds heavenly.
Tuesday, November 24, 2009
3rd Week of Chemotherapy
I posted twice today, so go back if you want to see some pictures of Ball, why it is called Double Cut and a history of subscription Balls.
I had my third week of chemotherapy, so I have no treatment next week. My blood levels were a little lower than last week, but they assured me that every thing should bounce back after having a week off.
I'm taking tomorrow off work to do the shopping and start Thanksgiving preparations. Allie, her boyfriend, John, and her friend, Alison will be coming in late tomorrow night. Caitlin and Lisa will be flying in on Thursday morning, and N0ra and Jason and kids will come for evening dinner. We'll have a busy day cooking, but that's the fun of Thanksgiving
The Double Cut Ball with pictures
Folks were asking about "Double Cut"and subcription Balls, so here are all your answers!
Double Cut: Refers to one couple cutting in on another and switching partners.
Dancing: The Ward Marston Band will play an array of toe-tapping music from the era of the classic dance bands. These familiar tunes will lead your feet in the right direction – be it a lively two-step, an airy waltz, or a barreling polka. Fear not if you feel that your dancing feet need a brush-up. The music will make it easy. Local dance workshops (see below) will help you polish your steps.
Attire: Ladies are asked to wear a floor length evening gown. Long white gloves are encouraged. Gentlemen are asked to wear a black suit with a white dress shirt and a black or white tie. “White Tie” and “Black Tie” dress are optional. White gloves are encouraged.
Dance Classes: To help you brush up your dance steps, we will host two ballroom dance classes in West Philadelphia the weekend prior to the ball. The first class will be on Saturday, November 14th, from 5:00 to 7:00 pm and the second class will be on Sunday, November 15th, from 1:00 to 3:00 pm. Both classes will take place at the Community Education Center (CEC), located at 3500 Lancaster Avenue, and will cost $5 per person. Please email if you plan to attend.
Subscription: We are pleased to arrange a festive evening for our friends which harks back to the subscription balls of years past (see below). The Double Cut Ball is intended to be a “break-even” occasion, not a benefit event, and the subscription charge merely enables us to meet the expenses of the evening.
A note on subscription balls, from Household Companion: The Home Book Of Etiquette
by Alice A. Johnson, Mrs. Janet McKenzie Hill, and Dr. Henry Hartshorne, 1909:
Subscription Dances
In most of the large cities several series of dances are arranged by certain leaders in the social world to which people are invited to subscribe. Each subscriber is usually entitled to a number of invitations for distribution, though in some instances the price of the subscription is small, and only permits one person to take advantage of each.
The subscription balls take place in some public ball-room, as a rule. In New York, for instance, at Delmonico’s.
Several ladies are selected to form the reception committee, and they stand in one of the outer rooms, bowing to the guests as they enter. On such occasions, no one shakes hands; the ladies curtsy, and the gentlemen bow.
No unmarried lady should go to one of these balls, or to any large party, without a chaperon, and invitations should be sent to an elder member of her family, in order that she need not look outside for proper attendance.
In the West and South it is customary for gentlemen to take unmarried ladies to evening entertainments, but in the East, and in the best city society generally, such a thing would be considered the greatest breach of decorum. At a small dance in a private house a young lady may dispense with the services of a chaperon, if desired, but she should be escorted to and from the house by a servant or relative.
A good floor is essential to the enjoyment of dancing; when the carpet is taken up, care should be used that no roughness of surface is presented. Some ladies have their dancing-floors carefully polished with beeswax and a brush. A crumb-cloth or linen diaper, thoroughly well stretched over a carpet, is the next best thing to a polished floor.
The question of music is important. If it is a large ball, four musicians is the least number that should be engaged piano, cornet or flute, violin, and violoncello. In small assemblies the violin and piano are sufficient, or, on occasion, the piano alone. In such a case a chance pianist should not be depended upon, but a professional one be engaged.
The orchestra should occupy what is considered the top of the room. In cases where it is not convenient to adhere to this rule, the end farthest from the door is usually chosen. The position of the orchestra needs to be considered by the dancers, so that, in quadrilles, their movements may be regulated thereby.
Sunday, November 22, 2009
After a nap, Marty and I went to Double Cut Ball in Philadelphia. My singer friends, Elizabeth and Anna, organized it last year and it was so successful that they did it again this year. It was fun seeing all the beautiful 20 and 30 somethings in their fancy ball gowns and tuxedos, but it was a late night. Pictures to follow.
This afternoon, I worked on Thanksgiving recipes and a few other little projects. And, (drum roll) I finally took a picture of my car.
Wednesday, November 18, 2009
I found my camera!
I cleaned the floor and flat surfaces of my office. I checked the trash, organized the bills and decided to go buy a new camera. Then I went through the bag in which I carry my little computer, that I had already checked 3 times, and there it was in the outside pocket! So I wouldn't have had to clean my office after all! But I am glad I did.
By the time I got home it was too dark to take pictures, so I'll get on that tomorrow morning.
I was very tired today. I took one of my graduates and her 2 year old to the Jump Factory. We had a great time. I am off to bed shortly. I have a busy day tomorrow, celebrating another graduation with more jumping.
Tuesday, November 17, 2009
I made some progress in my office today, but still no camera.
I am feeling bereft.
Sunday, November 15, 2009
The surprise:
When I arrived home from visiting my mum and opened the garage door, I saw the back end of a red car that I had never seen before. Apparently Marty thought my almost 15 year old Saturn was looking too sad and he bought me a PT Cruiser. It is bright, shiny red with wood panels, very retro and kinda cute. I was not a big fan of PT Cruisers, but this one is really nice: 2005 with only 60.000 miles, heated leather seats and a sun roof. So I've been tooling around in my new red car. It is nice for hauling mothers and babies around because it has all the right latches and hooks for the new car seats. I've been waiting to blog a picture, but the missing camera has delayed things.
I worked 40 hours this week for the first time in a long time. I got caught up with all my current clients. One even came out out the woodwork that I thought was lost forever. Turned out she went to Mexico for a two months and just got back. Working was good, although I spent a lot of time sleeping this weekend.
I just got back from shape note singing. I thought I would be too tired, but the singing really perked me up. It seems if I find something interesting to do, it distracts me from feeling tired.
Although as everyone likes to remind me: We all get tired.
I'm planning to work full time for the next few weeks to see how that goes.
Wednesday, November 11, 2009
I went to chemotherapy yesterday for my first dose of Topotecan, Aztec God of strong medicine. No real side effects. The steroids didn't perk me up like the last time, but it kept me going to go back to work afterwards. I felt fine today, just a little tired. I saw clients and did paper work.
I even wrapped a few Christmas gifts tonight! I don't want it to all pile up at the end.
I have a surprise when I find my camera.
Saturday, November 7, 2009
Everything is cool.
This morning we went to the Wesley Grange buckwheat pancake breakfast.I have heard about this event for years and have never had the opportunity to go. My Grandma and Grandpa Riddle started it in the '30s and used my Grandmas' recipe. They were delicious.
Thursday, October 29, 2009
I had to get up early this morning to go to community conference that had representatives from the utilities and other agencies we use to assist our clients. It is always a worthwhile event. I also made a visit to see one of my new babies. Her little brother was very interested in the baby. I showed the mom and her brother how to listen to the heartbeat, breath sounds and stomach gurgles.
I would really like to take on a few more clients. We'll see how Toptekan, god of strong medicine works.
Wednesday, October 28, 2009
Back to work
I got the results of the CT scan. The tumor in my lung is essentially the same. There were new tumors on the liver. Dr. Dan is going to switch me to a different drug, called Topotekan. Doesn't that sound like the Aztec god of Strong Medicine? I'll start it on the ninth of November when I get home from visiting my mom.
Monday, October 26, 2009
CT scan after all
In case you missed my Ecuador photos: click here
I called bright and early to reschedule my CT scan and was told they had fixed the machine on Friday, hadn't anyone told me that I still had my appointment? (no). Fortunately, it wasn't for a another hour so I had time to get there.
I made chicken soup with matzo balls yesterday to try to cure Marty and I of the last dregs of our cold/flu or whatever it is. We are both feeling better, although the cough is hanging on. I did a little leaf sweeping and was short of breath. I think that is why I am so tired, everything makes short of breath. My friend (and pastor) Mary, brought dinner tonight. That was a real treat.
I texted my oncologist, Dr. Forman, to call me with the CT results, as I don't have an appointment with him for two weeks. He texted me back (which I thought was pretty cool) to call him after 5 today. When I called, he hadn't gotten the Radiology report yet, so he is going to call me tomorrow with the results.
I was planning on going back to work tomorrow, but I don't know if I'm quite up to visits. I have things to do a my desk and I can call clients and see how they are doing and schedule them.
Friday, October 23, 2009
No Chemo for Me Today
The really unfortunate part was that I forgot to put the lidocaine on my port site to numb it before I went to hospital. So after she stabbed around for a long painful minute and finally accessed the port and got my blood, she was back in 5 minutes to tell me she couldn't give me chemo and pulled it out.
When I got home there was a message on the answering machine saying that I have to reschedule my CT scan which was to be Monday because the machine broke.
The sun went in, the wind began to howl and the rains descended.
Thursday, October 22, 2009
Beautiful Weather to recover from the flu
I feel a little better today, as my cough isn't as frequent. I have been coughing so much that the muscles in my solar plexus hurt. I took lots of naps and ate Chicken Soup with Rice and worked on my procrastiation list of things to do. (15 minutes at a time) At least, I feel like I have something to show for the time that I have been slacking at home. Tonight, I'll watch National Treasure and do some mending.
Marty is improving too, but felt dizzy after a little walk in the woods. We are both better than yesterday.
The hospital said to come in for chemo is I don't have a fever.
Wednesday, October 21, 2009
Marty shared the flu
I started coughing and having chills yesterday. It really stinks. I am so tired. Marty and I flip coins to see whose turn it is to take care of things. I stayed home from work because of all the H1N1. Our babies are at high risk and I don't want to endanger them.
I have to call the hospital tomorrow and see if I can get chemo on Friday or not.
Allie is coming home this weekend to see Circ du Soliel with her Dad. I recommend she avoids us unless we are a lot better.
The pictures are of my closet, which I cleaned during my decadron energy frenzy, before I got sick.
Monday, October 19, 2009
Weekend Over
I am starting to wind down from my steroid high. I got a lot done this weekend and feel more prepared if I run out of steam later this week. I went to sing shape notes tonight. It feels good to stay home for a few weeks. I'll be working and getting chemo once a week for two more weeks.
I'm still working on putting jungle pics on my flickr site. There are a few there now. It takes a long time to edit and upload. I'll keep putting pictures of Ecuador on this blog site because they are obviously more interesting than me doing laundry and paying bills.
I feel good, but poor Marty is sick with flu like symptoms. He has a fever tonight
Saturday, October 17, 2009
Congratulations Allie!!
Allie called today to say that the research paper, of which she is second author,will be published! It was their first choice of the journals too. If want a laugh, ask her what the title is and what it means. Dare you.
I get a big whopping dose of decadron, a steroid, with my chemotherapy to avoid nausea. It works, but it hypes me up for a couple days, until I crash. I take pills to supposedly taper it off. I really like all the energy I have the day after chemo. I did many loads of laundry, sorted through my paper work, and made dinner tonight (pork chops with apples in sauce, roasted root vegetables with fresh herbs (finally used up the turnips), and spinach salad.
I promised myself I wouldn't stay up too late tonight, so I will have to post my jungle pictures tomorrow.
Band from the Wedding
Friday, October 16, 2009
The jungle of Napo River
For wedding pictures, go to
Tomorrow, back to chemo, but now off to more adventures in Ecuador.
On Monday, our full day in the jungle, we set out early to visit the Animal rescue place as I mentioned before. We had planned to take a 2 hour hike, but I knew I couldn't make it. Our traveling companions, Dawn, Linda, Natalie and Michelle graciously offered to take the 1 hour hike instead, so that I could go along. It was hot and sticky, but our guide Klinger (his real name)
was very knowledgeable about the plants and made it interesting and fun. They all pushed me up and down the hills.
Hopping into our tubes and floating down the river was just perfect. Unfortunately, I don't have pictures, as tubing with a camera seemed like a bad idea. The best part of the day was watching kids play in the river and swinging out from shore on a rope swing. I was wondering why these kids weren't in school, when we floated by a gentleman who told us he was the children's teacher. It was too hot in the class room, so they went up the river for "Phys ED". He was a Swiss teacher on sabbatical for year with his wife and two kids. As we floated down the river, the kids came over and attacked Klinger, whom they knew. He gave them his tube and they played a lively game of King of the Mountain. Pretty soon they were climbing all over all our tubes. I thought "what a way to grow up!" Can you imagine a teacher, his wife and 20 kids swimming in the river in front of the school? Without life jackets and signed permission slips? The teacher told us that the kids swim like fish by the time they are five. They also pole their canoes up and down the river and walk through the trees. They soon climbed out to go back to school and we kept floating. We all agreed it was the best part of the day. Tomorrow: Visiting the indigenous home, Allie and blow gun and making ceramics.
Tuesday, October 13, 2009
The jungle