I really didn't feel up to posting the last two days. Allie did Tuesday's. Wednesday's treatment went ok. I slept through most of it. I had plans to meet my co-workers for lunch. One of our co-workers is leaving and we were wishing her well. :(. I wasn't sure if I was up for it but I was glad that I went. It was a good distraction to see every one. Allie had lunch with her Dad for his Birthday.
Half done should feel better than it does. Today, 3 more rounds does not sound appealing. This is the worst that I have felt on day 4. I usually don't feel bad until Day 6. I haven't been sick. I just have "the patina" the underlying feeling of nausea all the time. All I can manage is sleep. I am hoping to come out of it soon. I'm taking every pill they have given me. Based on how I had felt during the last two rounds, I had made plans to work yesterday and today and had to cancel them.
Now is a good time to say how much the comments on the blog, the e-mails, the cards and gifts of flowers and food cheer me up. I also appreciate all the thoughts and prayers. It is a great comfort know so many people are rooting for me.
Thursday, February 12, 2009