Monte Verde is high is the central part of Costa Rica in the Cloud Forest. It has 2 ecological parks which protects thousands of species of plants and animal. We stayed in a the Cloud Forest hotel, which boasts of sunset view of the gulf of Nicoa 60 miles away. There there were French, Canadian, Chinese and Americans there. Just at the hotel, we saw 5 or 6 species of hummingbirds at the feeders. We also saw a cotamundi, which looks like a cross between a raccoon and a monkey. Unfortunately, I didn't get a picture.
We took the the Canopy bridges tour, which is a series of suspension bridges throught the rainforest. We saw a lot of plant life but the animals were shy. I took more pictures than anyone except for my friend Susan the botanist would be interested in. We also took a butterlfy and hummingbird tour.
I've been doing a lot of things that I am afraid of this trip: like horseback riding and heights. At the hotel They had a series of zip lines set up through the tree canopy. I will try to upload a movie of me zipping. I found it really scary to be attached to a cable 150 feet above the ground. We even rappeled down two the lines. it was amazing to be in the canopy like the birds.
We were really glad for 4 wheel drive on the way to Monte Verde. The roads were steep and bone jarringly rough. I'd have to down shift into first halfway up some of the hills. The residents are dead set against paving the roads. They are afraid that the area would be ruined with any more tourists.