This chemo cycle has been a giant disappointment to my schedule and emotional flow. I went to work today because I had to take my client, who is handicapped, to a dr. appointment. When I called to tell her that I would be picking her up shortly, she informed me that her mom had left for an appointment, so we would have to cart the baby along. The baby is 17 months old, but doesn't walk, which means I have to carry the baby, the car seat and the stroller. Not happy news at 8:15 AM. I called the office for back up but everyone was off, or out on visits: even the secretary had called off sick. Excuse me for whining but we did it.
My next visit was supposed to be a final visit to celebrate the client graduating from the program after two years. I went back to the office to try to sort out my paperwork. This working and living one day at a time really wreaks havoc on the ebb and flow of running my client caseload. My awesome desk mate, Laura, had a cancellation and helped me get my charts in order and get my desk cleared off. My "chemo" brain was having trouble focusing. My client canceled: they often do on the the last visit. They just aren't ready for goodbye.
So at any rate, I got a full day's work in. If it hadn't been for the doctor's appointment, I probably would have stayed in bed. Distraction really does help.
Marty and I went Folk Dancing tonight. That is more his thing than mine, but it was the Valentine's Dance and it was romantically festive. He took me to dinner beforehand, so it it was a maahvelous impromptu Valentine's date. So life is lovely in the middle of all this crap.