Video: Caitlin contra dancing. Sorry you have to tilt your head. I don't know how to rotate it.
Pictures: Old Songs stage
Mung bean explosion in my absence.
The weekend was an all round success with singing, dancing, fiddling and lots of other types of music.
My buddy, Bob, and I drove up Thursday morning to Altamont, NY (near Albany). We unloaded our stuff (and we had a lot), then I drove to the airport to pick up Caitlin while Bob and our friend Phil set up the campsite.
Bob made us gourmet meals and all we had to do was the dishes, which is the best deal I've had in a long time.
We had a lot of rain Friday morning, but since we were camping with guys, they were serious about keeping the campsite dry and every thing battened down. We had rain varying from drizzle to downpours every day. We stayed dry so it wasn't bad at all. The rain cleared off Friday afternoon in time for Caitlin to go to her fiddling workshop and me to my mountain dulcimer workshop. I started learning 4 tunes and I am motivated to practice them at home now. Caitlin and I went to the after concert contradance which starts at midnight and goes to 1:30 AM. We slept well.
Saturday and Sunday started off with shape note singing and the rest of each day was filled with wandering around the different stages listening to musical groups. We went to the after concert contradance on Saturday night too, but I didn't last past 1:00 AM. I slept well that night also on my comfy air mattress in my dry tent.
We packed everything up in record time on Sunday and dropped Caitlin at the airport on our way home.
Medical stuff:
1. My hair fell out on Saturday. All of it. It's depressing.
2. My skin is blotchy from the radiation. I have cream to put on it.
3. Radiation is over on 7/2.
4. The insurance company is paying for the Tarciva and the pharmacy is sending it Wednesday.
Side effects: diarrhea and an acne-like rash. yeah.
5. I have an appointment for a CT scan on July 7.
Well that's all the news from the 17 acre wood, where the women are still bald, the men are patient and the cat is in worse shape than the owner.