My birthday yesterday was so busy that I would sort of like a do-over. I got up at 5:30 for my appointment at Fox Chase Cancer Center at 8 AM. I saw the same doctor as last time. She recommended that I get preventative radiation to my brain. Apparently, chemotherapy doesn't cross the blood brain barrier and the having the radiation significantly reduces the chances of tumors forming in the brain. I have an appointment with the radiologist at Reading Hospital on Friday morning, so I will find out the particulars before I make a decision. I need to know what the side effects are, if they are permanent, the course of treatment, and how it will effect work etc. As I am particularly fond of my brain, I am inclined to have the treatment after I have heard about all the details.
The doctor is also going to present my CT scan results at "Tumor Board" (or something like that) to see if the radiologist thinks is is worthwhile to to blast what is left of the tumors with sound waves called radio oblation. She also recommended that I repeat the scans every 6 to 8 weeks. That's about all they have to offer for now.
I have been trying to do my part. I got a lot of exercise over the weekend with swimming and biking. Monday morning I did yoga. I went swimming tonight. Only 25 laps because the swim aerobics class took over the pool 25 minutes after I started swimming. I also have been trying to eat nourishing food. One of my clients gave me a lot of mushrooms which I am still trying to use up. Tonight we had steamed vegetables over whole wheat noodles with mushroom-asparagus sauce. ( Marty added leftover Indian food to his)
After we got home from Fox Chase, I ate a light lunch, packed up Leo in the convertible and headed off to upstate New York to meet Allie to return Leo. We met about 1/2 way for each of us, had a salad at Panera on the patio (with Leo) and turned around and headed back. On the way up I took the scenic route through the Delaware Water Gap. On the way back I somehow missed my turn and took a really scenic route through Promised Land Stare Park. I like driving by myself and it is particularly nice in the convertible with the top down on a June evening.
When I got home, Marty took me to a late supper at the Indian Restaurant in Reading. Today was a regular day at work. Tomorrow my co-workers are taking me out to dinner for my birthday so I am still celebrating!
Wednesday, June 3, 2009