Click here to make a donationMy client L. gave me permission to put this picture of the two of us wearing our wigs, Wendy and Meredith, on the blog. L. has Hodgkin's Lymphoma. The American Cancer Society has helped her a lot. They gave her a voucher to get the wig and also arrange transportation to get to her chemotherapy appointments. She has a lot on her plate with cancer and an 18 month old.
I had my MRI this evening. It was supposed to be at 7:45 this morning, but the doctor's office hadn't sent me for blood work. They couldn't do it until after I had a creatinine level drawn to make sure that my kidneys could handle the dye. Thankfully, MRIs don't bother me. This was a really noisy one. It banged so loudly that the bed shook. I just closed my eyes and chilled. They gave me ear plugs and put a lot of padding around my head. No one told me when I would get the results.
These purple flowers came up from last year and I don't remember planting them or what they are.
I had planned to go sailing tomorrow night, until I remembered that I am working at Baby Preview. So if anyone would like to crew with Marty or be the receptionist at Baby Preview just let me know!