I planted my squares with vegetable plants and seeds and herbs. Unfortunately, I forgot what I planted before I wrote it down. I'll have to wait until things start coming up and hopefully not double plant. We need some sunshine to get these golden raspberries to ripen and help the seeds sprout. The heart shaped is mostly tomatoes. The purple flower is a wild flower which I have never see in my yard before.
I didn't have a high power weekend but I am tired today. Friday night we went out for dinner to GO FISH with Kathy and Mike for Mike's Birthday. Saturday, I worked around the house while the girls cleaned. Later I went to hear my friend, Jean,'s group, Little Sister, sing at Arts on the Ave. Unfortunately, the festival was a bust because of torrential downpours, but when Little Sister started singing and the skies cleared.
Later, I met with my buddy Bob to make our plans to go to Old Songs music festival. Bob has most of the food under control. My contribution is using my talent for spacial relationships to pack all his cool camping stuff and yummy food into the SUV. (That and my penchant for chatting on road trips.) We will be heading out Thursday morning after radiation. I'll pick up Caitlin at the Albany airport around 4:00 PM. We will set up camp and kick back and relax for the rest of the weekend with old friends.
Caitlin and I will be competing for most participatory camper award, so I'll have to pace myself. There are shape note and gospel singing, contra dancing, fiddle and dulcimer workshops.