Still not having much luck getting a picture of my new hair. It looks darker, more like a 5 o'clock shadow.
I thought I would be too tired on Sunday from sailing to do anything. But surprisingly, I felt raring to go in the perfect spring weather. The morning got off to a slow start when Marty discovered halfway through making pancakes that we had no baking powder. I had thrown out all the leavening for Passover and never replaced it! At the time, I thought getting fresh baking soda and powder every year was probably a good thing. Marty is too old to have taken home ec in school (only girls took home ec back then), so he doesn't know about getting all your ingredients out before you start baking. I ran to the store and ended up being late for church, but the pancakes were delicious. After church, I worked in the flower beds trying to repair the damage that the dogs have done.
We went for a bike ride later in the afternoon. I was a little worried about how it would go as this was the first time I had been on a bike since last fall. We took the trail along the Tulpehocken Creek which is almost completely flat and I didn't have a problem at all. We rode up and back which is 8.4 miles. I actually rode more because I kept losing Marty and I would go back to look for him. His cycling cadence is pedal, pedal, glide, pedal, pedal, glide. I am a more steady peddler. We saw two big, I think blue, herons in the creek.
After we got back, I cleaned myself up, picked up my singing buddy Susan, and we took the convertible to Exton to sing at a friends house. All in all it was a great day.
Back to work today. Tomorrow I go to Fox Chase for another opinion. Then I'll meet Allie in NY to give Leo back.