Penny. Mary and I had a great time at Mary's cabin. We took a leisurely drive , stopping at Wegman's, and a quaint bakery to provision our overnight. The weather was still nice when we arrived so we took a little hike around the park. We mostly sat outside until it rained then went inside and drank wine, chatted a lot and played games. We had a lot of fun playing the Mother Game, which Caitlin got me a few years ago for Christmas. Mary also turned us on to Bananagrams, which I see as a posible addiction in my future. It got chilly and damp with all the rain, so we lit a great fire in the beautiful stone fireplace.
In the morening, after a leisurely pancake breakfast, we went to the lake to try to spot the bald eagles, but we didn't have much luck.
I was hoping to see a bear. We didn't, but as we were arriving, a doe and tiny fawn crossed the road in front of us.
It would have been nice to stay longer, but I was glad we could do something with my radiology schedule.