I got up yesterday morning to 5 inches of snow and the front of the house glazed in ice. I had planned to go go to work for team meeting, but it was canceled. I don't know if I would have felt well enough in any case. Marty is still Harrisburg, so I spent the day watching movies, answering the phone, cleaning out the bathroom closet. I still felt too yucky to even write and it was starting to depress me. I kept thinking that every day I was going to feel better. Every day I didn't. One of my co-worker shared the jolly news that she heard each cheomtherapy got worse. THAT wasn't encouraging.
But I don't think it is true because last night, I started to feel better. I found myself tidying, attending to the wash, making arrangements to get the driveway plowed today. This morning I woke up feeling 95% better. I have visits scheduled at work, so I am off to get dressed before the guy with the plow shows up. The picture is the sunrise this morning from my office window