My Old Songs/Philly Folk Fest camping buddy, Bob, brought dinner tonight. He makes the Berks County's (if not the world's) best bread and taught me how to make no-knead bread. He also brought a pot of minestrone: the kind one can eat for lunch everyday for a week and never get tired of it.
Got my letters for clients ready today. Will mail tomorrow. I saw 2 clients today who thought Wendy was a new haircut. While I was in the office, I took a break from Wendy when Barb brought me a new cap she had knitted from "chincilla" yarn. Wendy didn't stand a chance against my new soft little cap.
I called the Oncology Practice and asked to change doctors. I guess it will get changed after I start chemo next week. One more day until the lung biopsy. I anticipate being glad when it is over and the results are back. But who knows, this stuff never turns out how I anticipate.